Tuesday 19 May 2015


It's no secret, throughout my teens my hair did the rounds. It's been long, short, curly, straight, blonde, black, pink, blue, and every colour in between! I once dyed my hair green for a costume party (I went as an Oompa Loompa, I was 16). I've been in the hair dye game for about a decade.
I started out age 10 with the Wella Shaders & Toners sachets, usually some kind of red. Then when I was 11 I went for the zebra highlights, if you don't know what zebra highlights are, think Atomic Kitten circa 2000. From that day on, my hair has been my thing. 

My hair usually has a bi-yearly transformation, one for summer, one for winter. Winter 2014 was a dark cherry cola red, then in February I went blonde. My hair currently is rather uneven in length from years of damage. After so much bleaching my hair is finally in relatively good condition varying from just above shoulder length at the front, to just below shoulder length at the back.I purchased some Bellami extensions and was in love, but putting extensions in every morning was a bit tedious so I got to thinking about my summer locks, then during a pinterest session I came across a photo of Lauren Conrad (see below) with pink and lilac tips/dip dye/ombre. Following this discovery, I've found some amazing inspiration for my summer hair, and have been in discussion with my hairdresser regarding sew in extensions which I'm so excited about! Check out my inspration below and let me know how you'll be styling your hair this summer!

source (top left, clockwise): Tumblr, N/A, Tres Jolie HairTumblr, N/A, vpfashionTumblrTumblr, centre: Lauren Conrad

Love Meg xo